Are your "stresses" taking away your energy to enjoy the good things in life?
Do you have IBS/gut issues? Are you having challenges "digesting life"?
Do you feel like you are constantly "on the go", neglecting self-care and do not have enough "down time"?
Are you getting restful sleep or waking up exhausted if you manage to get any sleep at all?
These are messages that your nervous system is out of balance which is opening the door for illness and dis-ease to enter.
Reconnect with your body's innate healing wisdom.
Any disharmony you are currently feeling has a background story to it with emotions also attached that have become stuck in your body blocking your energy flow.
In my sessions, I am like a detective, gathering information and connecting the dots to uncover the stories behind your symptoms.
Then we release the stories which moves the blocked energy allowing your body to activate its own self-healing mechanisms.
As a certified holistic health care practitioner, I help you reharmonize your nervous system and heart energy by clearing out emotionally charged energy in your body which creates a ripple effect to up-level your wellbeing.
Working with me is about getting your nervous system reset so it can calm down and stop wreaking havoc! on your physical and mental health
What kind of stresses do you have?
Family? Relationship? Health? Financial? Work?
Unprocessed stress creates imbalances in your nervous system which then affects your hormone and immune systems
These 3 systems are inter-dependent and can create harmony or disharmony within you depending on your thoughts, moods and emotions
Sleep better, increase opportunities for the mind and body to repair, recharge and heal tissues and cells
Learn to turn your "threat stress" into "challenge stress"..this is KEY!
Your sessions can help you reset your nervous system when it is over taxed. It needs help to reset its parameters to function optimally. Nervous system health is AS important as mental health!
Photo credit Shannon McLaughlin
Interview with Mystic Mag
I recently had the opportunity of being interviewed by Luka Dragovic of Mystic Mag. In my featured interview, I open up about my personaI journey that got into this amazing healing work and I share a phenomenal case of the body healing itself once the story was uncovered in the cells.
My name is Jonalyn, I am a Certified BodyIntuitive, Certified BodyTalk Practitioner and a member of the International BodyTalk Association.
I learned the very hard way how stress can completely disrupt the human body and mind when my husband went through a complex auto-immune response that Western medicine never diagnosed and could not band-aid the symptoms with pharmaceutical drugs.
Being the main caregiver, my mental health soon began to erode as my body and mind lived in "fight or flight" stress mode for a multi-year period. (This took me 4 years to recover my own balance!)
I did not want to go on anti-depressants! I was motivated to seek other ways to heal which led me to finding BodyTalk & BodyIntuitive. The shifts and results I experienced and now see my clients experience re-affirms on a continual basis that mind-body medicine is so needed and so necessary to help humanity heal. I am grateful to be able to help those who are willing and open to understand that their body AND mind are both needed for true healing to occur!